Human beings on brink of achieving IMMORTALITY by year 2050, expert reveals

Dr Ian Pearson said human beings are very close to achieving immortality in a number of different ways, but only if you can make it to the year 2050. Anyone who dies before then could be part of the last generation of humans to die of old age.

Dr Pearson said: "By 2050, it will only really be for the rich and famous. Most people on middle-class incomes and reasonable working-class incomes can probably afford this in the 2060s. So anyone 90 or under by 2060. If you were born sometime in 1970 onwards, that would make you 48 this year. So anybody under 50 has got a good chance of it, and anyone under 40 almost definitely will have access to this." There are several ways in which people can live forever, such as renewing body parts.

This could be done in several ways, including genetic engineering that prevents or reverses the ageing of cells. People may be able to replace vital body organs with new parts. Scientists around the world are currently working on creating human organs using 3D printers loaded with living cells which could make organ transplants a thing of the past.


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