In the world today,there has been several social vices looming and threatening the existence of human beings. Corruption, unemployment, terrorism, racism,ignorance and so many others.
Surprisingly,the social media has also been included to be a social vice because of a lot of disadvantages, though this is laughable and not acceptable by most people who just think about the advantages( what they are enjoying) and not taking into consideration the bad effect on them.

The advent of the social media as a medium of lightening up our dark world via information is one innovation that humanity will forever be grateful for because it has succeeded where the conventional media failed or feared to tread.

However, like they say, there is nothing with a positive side that doesn't have a negative one and for one, the negativity of the social media as a means of peddling lies, falsehood, misinformation and distortion of facts is worrisome because of its adverse effect on society.

One has observed genuine and factual reports of online media organizations being distorted to suit particular purpose, interviews and statements concocted and distorted, fake blogs reporting incidents that never happened, etc.

All these acts of irresponsibility, incitement and criminality are part of the ills of the society that the social media has become of which we seriously need help to eradicate, if it is not to lose its flavour as a medium of information, education, interaction, communication, discourse and entertainment in the 21st century.

Thus, as as responsible persons, it behooves on us to admonish one another in our own little way, to be circumspect and vigilant in making comments and sharing information lest one be a collaborator in contributing to the menace that some people have manipulated the social media into lately.


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