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I've been in relationships and I've found out that love does not guarantee the success of a relationship. Love cannot help you stick to one person. After all, cheating is not always a product of not loving your partner. In fact, loving someone does not guarantee not falling in love with another person. Relationships work out mostly because of our head not our heart, it work out because of emotional maturity, empathetic intelligence and self discipline. You see, times will come when you will see people that are better than the person you're in a relationship with. In those times, love will not help you, emotional maturity, self control, intelligence and commitment will help you. No matter how you feel for someone, the person you're committed to ranks first in your life. You think married people don't see better people than the ones they married? You think they don't feel funny sometimes? You think they don't catch feelings? They do. But understand that

How to have a happy family in 7 steps

1)Having dinner together matter Children who have dinner with their families do better across practically every possible metric. A current rush of research demonstrates that kids who dine with their families are more averse to drink, smoke, take drugs, get pregnant, submit suicide, and create dietary problems. Extra research found that youngsters who appreciate family suppers have bigger vocabularies, better behavior, more advantageous weight control plans, and higher confidence. The most thorough review done on this subject, a  University of Michigan  report that analyzed how American youngsters invested their energy in the vicinity of 1981 and 1997, found that the measure of time kids spent eating dinners at home was the single greatest indicator of better scholarly accomplishment and less behavioral issues. Mealtime was more compelling than time spent in school, considering, going to religious administrations, or playing sports.  Doesn't work for your family's calendar? It d

Goal Getting-Ways to move from a loser to a Go-getter

Steadiness, more than ability, decides how far you go and where you wind up. Achievement, more than anything, is a disposition you convey about yourself and your life. We are on the whole equipped for certainty, of having everything, losing it all and picking up it back over and over. It is enticing to surrender and claim overcome when the chips are down. Dread and disappointment are the two feelings most in charge of stopping. We should figure out how to hold up under both if we are to achieve the levels of accomplishment we want. Being a go-getter is something that will wax and disappear all through your vocation, so it is shrewd to view it as a goodness to be polished as opposed to something to be mastered in a solitary choice. 1. Grasp disappointment. Determined workers accept failure as a piece of their entrepreneurial voyage. View failure as your most basic learning device. Disappointment constrains you to discover and get to your own particular inward supplies of mental tough

Career lessons from Fortune’s 5 most powerful women in business

Fortune released its list of the Most Powerful Women  in 2017, the twentieth anniversary of ranking the most powerful female leaders across industries. The list comes in the midst of thunderings of a rising reaction against the development of ladies in a few ventures — including tech — and in the midst of  low portrayal of ladies in the official positions of partnerships.  Here are a few things we can gain from the best positioned ladies pioneers:  1. Mary Barra: Get happy with being awkward  The Director and Chief of General Engines asserted the best spot for the third year in succession, and discussed why attempting new things can be gainful for professions.  Reacting to an inquiry concerning what she'd tell young ladies, Barra discussed the significance of extending your viewpoints, regardless of the possibility that it makes you apprehensive.  "I would state to young ladies, when you get that tad bit of a bunch in your stomach and you feel a tiny bit of uneasiness in v

Time Management Tips for Achieving Your Goals.

Serious goal setting requires an unblinking focus on effective time management. One of the most effective skills you can have in life is proper time management. If you're not effectively managing your time, there's virtually no way you're going to reach your goals. Sure, you might make some progress. But you'll discover a demanding uphill battle if you don't take your time seriously. For people who squander and waste the precious little time they do have, they know all too well how difficult achieving even mildly difficult goals can be. The truth is that time is the greatest equalizer in life. No matter who you are, your age, income, gender, race or religion, you have the same amount of time as the next person. Whether you're filthy rich or dirt poor, your time is the same. It's not about how much time you have. It's about how effectively you manage your time. So if you're serious about achieving your goals, not only do you need to set those goals

Ways to Build Resilience

Building "grit" isn't such a bad thing, either. Resilience is not a trait you inherit at birth. Instead, it's something you can learn, and even practice, every day. Resilience is the choice -- in the face of adverse events -- to persevere. However, it is not to be mistaken for innate toughness or even inner strength. It is, simply, the wherewithal to stick with a long-term goal when you are faced with any obstacle, and see that goal through to the end. As Adam Grant has suggested, "Resilience is not a fixed personality trait. It's a lifelong project." Grant co-authored the book Option B with the COO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, after the loss of her husband, Dave Goldberg. While the book describes Sandberg's approach to life after grief, it applies to many other large challenges in life, including job loss, a health challenge, divorce and dealing with fractured relationships. While these circumstances create the opportunity for resilience in our

The Power Of Big Dreams

Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling planned for seven years at Hogwarts. Before writing the first chapter of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling planned   for seven years at Hogwarts. As a result, Harry Potter is one of the most read books of all-time. Before creating the first Stars Wars movie in the 1970's, George Lucas planned for at least six films and started at episode four, rather than episode one. As a result, almost 40 years later the entire world still freaks out when a new Star Wars come out. This would not be possible if Lucas hadn't thoughtfully and largely planned. Don't just plant a tree, plant an orchard. What you plant in life is also what you harvest. Successful people don't work harder There's a huge misconception about success. Becoming successful is less about how much someone works and more about how they  set things up.  Indeed, DHH has said that a 40 hour workweek is a "kings keep"-- more than enough time to

A 5-Step Process To Actually Accomplish Your Goals

Setting a goal properly, and defining a process to achieve it, is key. John Lee Dumas is a productivity expert. He's the host of the EOfire podcasts, and has successfully launched two action-oriented books on productivity; "The Freedom Journal," which helps you accomplish a single goal in 100 days, and "The Mastery Journal," which bills itself as a "step-by-step guide to mastering productivity, discipline & focus in 100 days." Dumas has shared his insight on supercharging productivity, but he says getting things done isn't just about time management: it all hinges on properly setting goals. Dumas says so many people see goal-setting as a roadblock: "They say, 'I don't know how to choose the goal I'm going to focus on because there are so many things, and so many choices. How do I decide or know if I'm working on the RIGHT goal?'" The key, he says, is to follow a process that helps define your goal in a concret

Techniques That Will Help You Stop Forgetting Things Easily.

If I told you there was a giant top hat in my kitchen sink, a pot of baby oil brewing in my coffee maker, granite spilling out of my fridge, hay stuffed in my microwave, and Garfield the cat roasting in my oven, you'd likely smile politely, nod, then back away. Very. Slowly. Don't worry; I'm not seeing things. All of this stuff is just a mental shortcut, a way to remember the past presidents, specifically 16 through 20. (You following? Lincoln is the top hat; Johnson, the baby oil; Grant, granite; Hayes, yep, hay; and President Garfield is the cat.) I learned this little trick while interviewing "memory athletes"—intellectual jocks who have competed in the USA Memory Championship or the World Memory Championships (real events!). In these mental games, masters of the mind go head-to-head in hellish-sounding events like memorizing two decks of cards in five minutes or seeing who can put the most names to faces in the least amount of time. My learning to rattle off

What Your Face Say About You.

According to a new study, men with wide faces have higher levels of testosterone and are therefore more likely to consider cheating on their partners and inhibit promiscuous ideals.  Researchers at Nipissing University, Ontario, interviewed 145 undergraduates in relationships about their sex lives, asking them how often they felt desire and how many times they masturbated in a typical month. The students with a larger facial width-to-height ratio registered higher on the scoring of these questions. Men with wide faces are also thought to more likely to show signs of prejudice, psychopathy, financial success, ambition, questionable ethics and attractiveness. But what of the more elongated faces? And what can we tell about someone's personality traits from other defining facial characteristics? A long face equals higher intelligence . Why the long face, you braniac? A study published in the journal  PLoS One  in 2014 found men (though not women) with a long face and wide-set ey

List of 100 Words Scientists Really Want You to Stop Misusing

Words and Science Without language, things between humans would get pretty confusing pretty fast. And even though the ways we communicate can be super flexible, it’s best to make sure we actually know what the words we’re using really mean. This becomes all the more important when we try to understand science, where words often take on highly specialised meanings. And that’s why a team of researchers just published a master list of terms they would like everybody to stop getting wrong. “In psychology, many terms are confused not only by new students but also by advanced students, psychology instructors, and science journalists,” says one of the researchers, Scott Lilienfeld from Emory University. This new work is actually a sequel to a paper Lilienfeld and colleagues published last year, in which they collected a list of the most “inaccurate, misleading, misused, ambiguous, and logically confused words and phrases in psychology, genetics, and science in general.” Now the team has

Factual Signs That Shows You May Be Smarter Than An Average Person.

Researchers found that a higher IQ score could be an indicator of some curious behaviors. Conventional wisdom may point to smart people having advanced levels of cognition, creativity, or emotional intelligence, but if you ever wondered whether you belong with the brainy bunch, these nine signs may confirm what you already know. 1. You're the first child in the family. A study of 250,000 Norwegians published in Science magazine revealed that the oldest sibling had an average IQ 2.3 points higher than younger siblings. The reason is due to environment and family dynamics, not genetics. The firstborn gets the benefits of full parental attention. When No. 2 arrives, that older sibling becomes a tutor to the younger sibling, which has high cognitive demands and boosts intelligence for some firstborns. 2. You lack common sense. Intelligent people (may of them liberals) lack common sense, says evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa, co-author of  Why Beautiful People Have More D

How to make a great first impression -- and a great lasting impression.

There's a formula to making a great first impression: Smile, make eye contact, be engaging. But first impressions can also quickly lose their impact, especially when there's no substance beneath the surface glow. Being genuinely likeable over the long haul is tougher. Building and maintaining great relationships, consistently influencing others in a good way and making other people feeling better about themselves, those are things relatively few people can do. But you can, because being the most likable person in the room has nothing to do with your level of success, or your presentation skills, or how you dress, or the image you project. Being genuinely likable is all about what you  do. How can you be more likable, in a sincere and authentic way? 1. Give before you receive, knowing you may  never receive. Never think about what you can get. Focus on what you can provide. Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship. Focus on what you can get o